Caledonian Film Studios Ltd
Both events took place at Gartcosh Works Social Club, Eastgate, Gartcosh, Glasgow G69 8AS on the following dates:
Event 1 – Wed 13th Nov 2024
Event 2 – Wed 11th Dec 2024
Film Studio Consultation, Keppie Design, 160 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 4RL
Tel: 0141 204 0066
This Public Consultation has now closed.
Thank you for taking part in the public consultation for the proposed Film Studio Campus at Gartcosh. Please note that the consultation has now ended. You can still view the consultation boards and information on this website to see our proposals.
The client and project team will now review the feedback received in advance of any planning application submission to North Lanarkshire Council. The feedback and how this has been considered will be included within a Pre-Application Consultation Report which will be included within any future planning application.
We hosted two in-person drop-in sessions held at Gartcosh Works Social Club, Eastgate, Gartcosh, Glasgow G69 8AS on Wednesday 13th November 2024 and Wednesday 11th December 2024. Details of both events were published in the Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser 7-days in advance of each event.
Caledonian Film Studios Ltd (CFS) will be the developer and operator of the Film Studio development, and collectively have substantial experience in developing and operating Film and TV production and related facilities around the world. More information on CFS can be found at
The site, at Auldyards Road, Gartcosh Industrial Park, is a 24.5 hectare site, and is currently vacant. CFS are working with Scottish Enterprise (the current owners) to bring this development project forward. It has excellent transport links, with existing industrial-class roads and direct links to the motorway network. The site is excellently located to benefit from existing nearby skilled labour and supply chain services through the central belt and beyond. The Location Plan, submitted with the Proposal of Application Notice, is provided below.

The proposal is described as ‘Proposed Film Studio campus, including (Use Class 4 & 5) sound stages and workshops, Media Hub (Use Class 4), Film Academy (Use Class 10), staff/student residential accommodation (Sui Generis) and associated ancillary uses, with access, parking, landscaping, and supporting infrastructure including renewable technologies (inc solar pv), battery storage, and associated miscellaneous development’.
Details of the proposed development, and how the layout and sounds stages might look are summarised below:
- Sound Stages
- Workshops (inc Artisan Training School)
- Media Hub
- Film Academy (linked to New College Lanarkshire)
- Residential Accommodation (for student/studio staff use only)
- Pre/Post-Production Offices
- Waste Recycling Centre (Campus only)
- Associated car parking
- Solar PV panels
- Battery Storage
Please see below the Consultation Boards for Consultation Event 2 which includes further details on: changes since Consultation Event 1; the background to the proposals and the Film/TV industry vision; an analysis of the existing site; the proposed site layout; an aerial image of the proposals; examples of the individual buildings; technical information to support the proposals; and next steps in the process. View the public consultation boards here.
We welcomed your comments on the proposals throughout the consultation. Comments could be made via the hard copy Comments Forms available at both drop-in events or via the project email address noted on this page, at the drop-in events and on the Comment’s Forms. Comments made to the project team are an important part of the pre-planning application process, and these will now be considered as the proposals evolve. Any comments made will be included in a Pre-Application Consultation Report to be submitted to the Council along with any future planning application.
Please note that any comments made do not count as a representation to any future planning application. There will be an opportunity to make representations to the Council once an application has been submitted. The Council are responsible for the notification process for planning applications.